This web application was developed as part of the NIH LINCS Consortium in a collaboration between Harvard Medical School's Sorger Lab and Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology (LSP) and the University of Cincinnati's Laboratory for Statistical Genomics and Systems Biology. The former (HMS) is one of the LINCS Data and Signature Generation Centers (DSGCs) and the latter (Cincinnati) is part of the BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center (DCIC). All of the web applications are implemented in R, using the Shiny framework for interactive applications.
For offline computation, analysis, and visualization, see the Bioconductor R package GRmetrics.
[1] Hafner M*, Niepel M*, Chung M, Sorger PK. (2016) Growth rate inhibition metrics correct for confounders in measuring sensitivity to cancer drugs. Nat Methods, vol. 13, 521
[2] Hafner M, Niepel M, Sorger PK. (2017) Alternative drug sensitivity metrics improve preclinical cancer pharmacogenomics. Nat Biotech, vol. 35(6), 500-2. doi: 10.1038/nbt.3882.
[3] Clark N*, Hafner M*, Kouril M, Williams EH, Muhlich J, Pilarczyk M, Niepel M, Sorger PK, Medvedovic M. (2017) GRcalculator: an online tool for calculating and mining dose-response data. BMC Cancer. doi: 10.1186/s12885-017-3689-3
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Nick Clark1, Marc Hafner2, Michal Kouril1, Mario Niepel2, Elizabeth Williams2, Jeremy Muhlich2 and Mario Medvedovic1
1 LINCS-BD2K Data Coordination and Integration Center; 2 HMS LINCS Center, Harvard Medical School
LINCS data portal - A unified resource for accessing all LINCS dataset packages and entities.
iLINCS - A data analysis platform aimed at developing statistical methods and computational tools for integrative analysis of the data produced by the LINCS program.
HMS-LINCS Small Molecule Library
NIH LINCS Consortium
LINCS Data and Signature Generation Centers (DSGCs)
BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center (DCIC)
Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology (LSP)
Sorger Lab
Laboratory for Statistical Genomics and Systems Biology
Please use our to share your experiences and ask questions about GR metrics and our tools for analyzing drug sensitivity data. You can also send us an email at gr.calculator [at] gmail [dot] com.